Saturday 28 February 2015

OUGD502: A selection of stuff I've been looking at recently...

Mirrored ambigrams

Type through shadow

I've also seen some other posters and covers that use contrasting tones and gradients to create shapes and forms conveying areas of shadow and light, including a Wired cover.

Found this pattern covering the interior decor of a restaurant while I was away, being attracted to the smooth movements of the curves that remind me of inks flowing in to each other.

I thought this packaging for coffee was quite clever, using the two end letterforms to symbolise the handles of the red coffee cup shapes. Combining type and image in design is something I want to engage more with.

I came across this photo on my phone that I took a while ago when I visited the Munro House gallery.  Having researched a bit about sign painting recently I noticed the gloss enamel paint carefully brushed to form perfectly formed characters. I also like the contrast in colour choice, using a dark tone as the top layer and palest green as the background.

Watched The Graduate last night and thought the dvd cover was quite unusual and unlike other mainstream movies which is what caught my attention.  The repetitive use of highly condensed type is readable and reductive, especially as it's used as a negative, as if cut out from the white page below.  The vertically aligned text balances the composition against the larger, horizontal title.  The large space at the bottom also proves a good use of negative space, a horizontal rectangle making the photo image more square shaped.

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