Tuesday 3 February 2015

OUGD502: Pupila Studio

I've recently been looking at a few studios abroad that I may consider to visit this Summer.  Ideally I would like to get an internship or work placement even if only for a week, so I should start thinking about contacting some of these studios soon.

Pupila Estudio

This multidisciplinary design studio is based in Costa Rica, with their main focus being graphic design and branding.  A couple of their projects that I am attracted to showcase some really well drawn lettering, which is incorporated into the brand identities they create.

This project was included in the first design on decks in Costa Rica, designed by Marcelo Jiménez and Matti Vandersee.  This kind of design is something I aspire to create, the tight calligraphy style has interested me for a while now and although the illustrations don't interest me as much, this could be an idea for opportunity to collaborate with illustrators or other designers on similar projects.

The project below shows how a hand lettered logo can work at different scales and for branding as well as on several branding circumstances.  This is something I need to bear in mind when finishing my own self branding project and any other projects for clients that I want to complete well.  This also shows how the design works in reverse in opposite colours.

Activistas project:

All lettering styles show a variation in the skill and ability of the designers that work for Pupila.  This is only one element of their design that I like, as they also produce work within art direction and packaging design.  The latter is something I would like to learn more about as I haven't researched much in to that area.

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